Take time to enjoy the simple things in life.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Some new things to home

We found this board whit those wise words from AmandaB-shop.I like it :)

Just a simple, little box for breads.

I dyed my hair really dark brown, almost black.

And my lilies... I have a big bunch of white lilies on my kitchen table. Those are absolutely one of my favorite flowers!

This is our balcony. We bought that white table and the chairs from sale this week.  I going to make some nice pillows on the chairs as soon as I find some nice fabric :)


  1. oh that breadbox is JUST what i've been looking for!

    not to mention the board - what a perfect reminder!

  2. Kate - I'm reading that board everyday, it's good. Trying to learn live like that:)
